One major cause of this devilish act is the burning desire for material things. It is always the ambition of most young men and women to get rich quickly in order to obtain whatever is fashionable. Such people would want to dress gorgeously, own mansions ride the latest cars, have access to modern sets of furniture and become millionaires at a point. Devoid of the milk of human-kindness, it is not surprising to find these people attacking the defenceless "Virgin lands".

2. The lack of employment opportunities in this country is a contributory factor to this situation. The absence of job facilities in our towns, cities and villages has compelled our able-bodied young men and women to join some of the foreigners (not to mention of the Chinese). It is very disheartening to find university graduates, qualified trained nurses and midwives, professional laboratory scientists, etc. making frantic efforts to search for jobs that do not exist. Most heart-breaking is that the few lucky ones who find jobs are not well paid.

3. Each blessed day, in the name of economic reforms and structural adjustment programs, people are thrown out of jobs. Those who finds themselves in this unfortunate situation become frustrated and are unable to sustain themselves. They need to earn a living and have access to necessities of life. Thoughts of survival compel these men and women to consider galamsey as a lucrative venture that is worth exploiting.

4  One major cause of this menace in the country is our ailing economy, which is incapable of supporting the skilled worker. Inflation is high, and the prices of goods are simply unaffordable. It is very difficult for workers who are poorly paid and do not enjoy incentives to make ends meet. They do not enjoy free or low cost medical care, accommodation, water and electricity and this makes it extremely difficult for them to perform their social responsibilities.

5. They are unable to provide three square meals a day for their children, let alone provide them their necessities and education.

6. Most disheartening is that they live in empty rooms.

7. Their desire to acquire the comforts of life remains a dream. For these parents to live a Huggermugger to disgrace or failure, they are haunted by thoughts of involving in galamsey which could serve them greener pastures.

8. The political status quo in our country does not encourage professionals to stay and work permanently with their skills and competencies acquired through their education and training permanently. There have been so many volatilities, and whenever there is change in government, it is our professionals who suffer prejudicially.
                            EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENT

1. Our country's fertile lands are in damaging stage.

2. Natural resources are misappropriated through galamsey practices.

3. It leads to mismanagement and total breakdown of our fragile economy. If the country continues to leave her natural resources to foreigners, this will intensively cast a slur on the nation's image.

1. To break the ice, the aftermath of this mining is a disorderly environment, which is incapable of promoting sound academic work.

2. Eventually, brilliant and gifted students who could have blossomed into scholars end up underground (pits) searching for gold as destitute.

3. Galamsey has spoil the youth, if unchecked, grows to destroy the moral fiber of our society, since the youth constitute the soul and blood of the nation.

4. The idea of acquiring money within a simple means has been the motivation behind the children engaging in the illegal mining activities in the mining communities. Most of the young people in such.

1. Government should, as a matter of urgency establish more jobs.

2. Government should improve the service conditions of workers. This artisanal incidence cannot be looked when the factors that influence it is not tackled.

3. Government needs strenuous efforts to achieve revive the country’s ailing economy. and make living conditions better to ensure sanity in our nation. If the economy is improved, parents will be in a better place to provide all the basic needs of their children and give them access to quality education.

4. Lest I forget, the government should ensure that the stringent laws governing our natural resources must be set to motion.

5. I fervently appeal to the government to pass a law to deter some irresponsible and greedy people whose primal desire is to sacrifice the country’s natural resources for self-satisfaction.

6. Duly to ensure the security recruits made to protect lands and the other resources.

7. Moreover, religious institutions are called upon to nurture their children to strive against this art. As a matter of urgency, there should be social and religious mobilization and sensitization drives in all cities, towns and villages throughout the country to explain to their members the need to stay away from galamsey.

8. Our political and traditional leaders should hold their tongues and refrain from making flippant remarks to the public. They aimed at being innocent from these artisanal acts but are the backbone of the canker. Which people are responsible for giving lands for people to operate on? Save us now or never.

It is my keen hope that the suggestions that have been given would be carefully considered to eliminate this unpleasant situation in Ghana.

Mr. Boadi William (CEO) Educate Ghana Summit.


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